Looking back, a breif history

Industrial Research Center was founded in the summer of 1980 in Tehran, Iran. This was during the economic turmoil that started after the installment of the new Islamic government. During that period, many industries came to a halt due to the interruption of international commerce and loss of access to parts and raw materials. The high rate of unemployment and shortage of parts and materials encouraged many people to start their own businesses or invest in manufacturing whatever was needed.

Of course not everyone is an industrialist and most can benefit from the support of a consultant with knowledge and experience in different industries. Time was right for an industrial research and consulting company to start.

Within the first 10 years of activity, the Industrial Research Center in Tehran had worked on about 1000 manufacturing and research projects. Most projects have been in categories of industrial chemicals, detergents, cosmetics, ceramic and glass, polymers, metallurgy, automation, machine design, electronics, software development and engineering.

In 1990 Mohammad Hamzeh, the founder of Industrial Research Center moved to United States and founded the New Jersey Industrial Research Center in Clifton, New Jersey.

In the year 2012 Mohammad restructured the company under a new name “Industrial Research, Inc.” to expand its services to other states as well as the international market.