Have you ever wondered “How is it made?”. If you like to produce a product based on a sample that you already have, think about reverse engineering as a possible solution. We perform chemical analysis, physical analysis, microscopic investigations and use the experience of experts in the field to find out how anything has been made. At this point we can most likely make a sample or prototype of the product for your review and approval. The next step is usually fine tuning the process and improving the quality of the product until it is 100% satisfactory and you can make decision about the next step. Depending on your plan and the product the next step may be identifying the suppliers of materials and machinery for your project and do a fiscal analysis. At this time you will have a good estimate of the costs and timeline of your project and can decide if you want to proceed to preparing plans and securing investment.
For small scale projects you may not need our services any more after you know how something is made, and you may be able to complete your project on your own. For larger projects however, we can offer our consulting services during the planning, construction, purchasing equipment, installing machinery, test production and future quality control and improvements.
Call us with your ideas and we will be glad to help you if we are a good fit for your idea. We are just a phone call away. International inquiries are welcome.